4 Things to Do After an Automobile Accident in Baton Rouge
There are plenty of advantages to living in a large metropolitan area. Some examples include increased job opportunities, restaurant and shopping options, and a greater variety of events and entertainment. But, one of the drawbacks includes heavier traffic and, as a result, more auto accidents. When you’re the victim of an automobile accident in Baton Rouge, you’ll need to act quickly. This can help to ensure your safety and improve the chances of any claims you may have. The following four steps can be crucial following an auto accident.
1: Check for Injuries
The first thing you need to do is examine yourself for injuries. If you believe you can safely move, check on any passengers that may be in your vehicle to ensure their safety as well. It’s also important to recognize that the effects of your injuries may not be apparent right away.
The adrenaline rush you feel after getting in a wreck can hide a lot of the health problems you may be experiencing. This can include broken bones and fractures. And some injuries (such as severe bruising, whiplash, and concussions) may not become apparent until hours or days later.
So, it’s important to remember this before telling someone at the scene that you weren’t injured. Because statements like that can cause issues with a potential case down the line. Also, if symptoms manifest following the accident, get checked out by a physician as soon as possible. And photograph any injuries that become visible. This kind of documentation can bolster your potential claims.
2: Call the Police
Once you’ve checked for injuries, move your car to the shoulder of the road if possible. You may also need to set up flares or turn on your hazard lights to alert oncoming vehicles to the wreck. Then, you should call the police and tell them about the accident. The police report is extremely important for insurance claims and a potential case against the party or parties responsible. Be sure to get the name, badge number, and contact information of any officers as well to strengthen your sources.
3: Document What Happened
This may be the best time to document the details of your automobile accident in Baton Rouge. Have any witnesses describe what they saw and be sure to get their contact information. Write or record your own account of what happened. Include details like the time of day, whether it was raining, and any other relevant information. Take photos or video of the scene, including the vehicles and other details like possible obstructions, tire marks, and traffic signs. Every single detail is imperative to the case.
4: Get in Touch With Your Insurance Provider
When you’re able to leave the scene, the next thing to do right afterward is to call your insurance company. This is where all of the information, contact numbers, and photos or video you documented will become helpful. You should share everything you gathered with them. And, if you require any medical attention as a result of the accident, you should tell them about that as well.
When You’re the Victim of an Automobile Accident in Baton Rouge, Turn to Attorneys You Can Trust
There’s another important step you can take following an accident, and it can allow you to find the compensation you deserve. When you get in touch with the experienced auto accident attorneys at WCW, we can help you through the claims process. And we can also help you find legal relief for the physical and financial injuries you may have sustained. When you’re the victim of an automobile accident in Baton Rouge, give us a call at 225-383-4114 or contact us online. We’ll provide you with a free and completely confidential consultation. And we won’t receive any money unless you do.