5 Types of 18-Wheeler Accidents Lawyers Represent
A collision between an 18-wheeler and a passenger vehicle can have devastating results. Operating and handling a large truck requires ample room for stopping, turning, and slowing down. But if other factors affect the trucker’s safety or that of a passenger vehicle, like inadequate training or impaired driving, a serious or even fatal accident can occur. In 2019, 82% of fatalities occurring in collisions of large trucks and passenger vehicles were occupants of the smaller vehicle. These accidents call for the aid of an 18-wheeler accident lawyer, like the skilled attorneys from Williamson Campbell & Whittington (WCW) in Baton Rouge. What are the most common types of accidents that an 18-wheeler accident lawyer in Baton Rouge can represent? Take a look at these five large truck accidents that our firm has experience with to better understand.
1. Jackknife Accidents
A jackknife accident involves a 90-degree angle between the 18-wheeler’s cab and trailer. If the driver is forced to brake quickly while traveling at a higher speed, the trailer can move against the force of the cab. This twists the trailer outwards, blocking or colliding with oncoming traffic. And if the force of the jackknife is especially strong, this could lead to rolling or devastating collisions.
2. Blind Spot Collisions
A blind spot is a space around your vehicle that is difficult to see while driving. With the help of a side and rear-view mirror, you can more easily see these areas, but they can still pose dangers on the road. This is especially true for 18-wheelers with much larger blind spots. Because of this wide blind spot range, a trucker may not be able to see a passenger vehicle as they change lanes, resulting in an accident. Or, a vehicle may be run off the road to avoid a collision. These types of accidents account for nearly one-third of crashes between 18-wheelers and pedestrian vehicles.
3. T-Bone Accidents
A t-bone accident results when one vehicle hits the side of another vehicle. This most often occurs when one car fails to stop at a red light or intersection or doesn’t yield the proper right of way. No matter who is at fault for the collision, this can be especially devastating for a passenger vehicle when hit by a commercial truck. An 18-wheeler accident lawyer in Baton Rouge can represent the victims of this type of accident to recover the vehicle damages, medical expenses, and emotional turmoil experienced in this type of accident.
4. Underride Accidents
Semi-trucks do not slow down quickly or easily. This means that they need plenty of space and time to slow to a full stop. If dangerous traffic conditions cause an 18-wheeler to come to a fast stop, this could result in a rear-ending. But this can be even more devastating due to the scale of the 18-wheeler in comparison to a passenger vehicle. The vehicle behind the truck can go underneath the trailer and be crushed or become stuck, resulting in an underride collision.
5. Wide Turns
Making a turn in an 18-wheeler is much more difficult than making a turn in a sedan or even an SUV. This requires much more slow-down time as well as plenty of space to make a wider turn. And since the truck driver must first steer in one direction before correcting to the opposite direction, this may confuse other passenger drivers on the road. This can pose issues in traffic if pedestrian drivers do not pay attention to lane changes, slowing speeds, or the wide frame of blindspots present in 18-wheeler trucks.
Contact an 18-Wheeler Accident Lawyer in Baton Rouge as Soon as Possible
Have you been involved in an 18-wheeler accident? Whether you were operating the large truck or were within the passenger vehicle, our attorneys can help you to understand your rights. Don’t let an insurance company or denied workers’ compensation keep you from receiving the full compensation you deserve. Get in touch with us today for a free, confidential consultation. Fill out our webform, or give us a call at 225-383-4010 to begin.